Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Book Blogging As Taught Me So Far

So I've been book blogging since August and I sure as hell learned a lot.

Without further ado here's my list. By the way, I love list, as you can most probably tell by this post.

  • How to use/make gmail and gmail chat
  • How to make/use blogger
  • Do schedule posting on blogger! weeee
  • How to do a little (and I stress little) bit of HTML. See look here I embed my first video!
  • Book Bloggers are awesome
  • How awesome authors are
  • That there are really nice people out there
  • How to speed read
  • How stressful it is having a book blogging, even though it seems that I don't update a lot
  • Its very important to email replies back really quick
  • Naming the publishers of YA books by simply knowing the title
  • Getting feedback through comments makes me feel all warm and fuzzy
  • How to use a MySpace (although I rarely use it)
  • How to make/use a FaceBook (although I rarely use it)
  • That I pretty much suck at going on social networking sites like MySpace and FaceBook
  • I tend to make random post like these every time I'm procrastinating!

Ok, gotta get back to work. =(

Add on to the list!


  1. I still haven't learned how to schedule posts. But that would seem to imply that I'm ahead of the game...which I never am. :)

  2. Getting comments gives me warm fuzzies as well! :)

  3. I also started my blog in August and I love to make lists. I have them everywhere! Those are great comments and I agree with all of them, especially how nice everyone is. You've done a great job here. Keep it up! It's a fun place to visit. :)
