Friday, January 16, 2009

New Years Resolution Follow Up

Wow! I haven't updated in awhile. Kinda embarrassing considering my New Years Revolution was to, you know update more. But anyhow, the past two weeks have been freaking insane and not in a good way!

Why you ask?

3 words.

Ten page essay.

^^That was what I was doing all of last weekend. I even had to miss my best friend's Sweet 16 Birthday Party.

But this whole situation could have been avoided if. . . I didn't procrastinate and wait until the last minute to write the assignment when I was given the assignment TWO months ago.

(Oh and I got a Facebook last Saturaday, when I was suppose to be writing said essay. Add Me!)

So, I'm guessing a Twitter is next. You know, when I have to do a huge ass project or some serious studying done.

So, so far my attempt to blog more, procrastinate less, read more was a failure.

However, I am going to get some oh-so-sweet reading time today, after I volunteer. =)

SO how is sticking to your New Year's Resolution going?


  1. I totally feel your procrastination pain. I used to get in so much trouble with my parents for waiting till the last minute on projects...I was the worst with projects. Now, I'm the only one that can kick myself in the ass, so it's just getting worse! And believe me, Twitter is a huge time suck.

    So far, I'm doing ok on the resolutions. My most important one--walking and exercising--is going well so far. However, I'm totally slacking on keeping up with reviews.

  2. I understand the procrastination. I had to stay up until 1 this morning writing a rough draft of a paper (because I don't trust my partner to do anything) and then when I got to class today the teacher decided we didn't have to do one. (I hate school!)

  3. Laza- Haha I feel your pain. My parents are always bitching at me for waiting until the last minute. I never hear the end of it. lol I'm afraid what will become of my procrastination once college rolls around.

    And yaay on the health resolutions! I've been wanting to got to the gym more ever since Oprah's Health week.

    Hillary- Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't trust my partners that are assigned. I'm like the slacker student's dream partner, because I end up doing all the work. And amen to that school does suck. I would of made my teacher give me extra credit for doing the paper. lol

  4. Twitter WILL NOT help your procrastination. It will give your need to avoid work enough food to make you a hermit. I am a teacher and though I espouse the need to use better time management, I am effectively preaching what I fail to practise. I am a hypocrite.

    Enjoy Twitter though, I love it to bits.
